High level languages such as C ,COBOL, FORTRAN are known as procedure oriented language.
In pop the problem is viewed as sequence of things to be done such as sequence of instruction to be followed, writing list of instructions for computer to follow,orgnizing this instruction into groups is known as function.
We concentrate on developing function.very little attention is given to the data.Many important data item are replaced as a global.So that they are accessble by all function .Each function have its own local data.
Emphasis is on doing things(algorithms).
Larger program is divided into smaller program known as function.
Most of the functions share global data.
Data move openly around the system from function to function.
It has Top-Down approach in program design.
Global data may be changed frequently by various functions.
It does not model real world problems very well becoz function are action oriented and do not really corrosponds to the element of the problem.