Programming World

History of java

Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling and other at sun microsystem.Its expressly designed for use in the distributed environment of the internet.

It was designed to have the "look " and "feel " of the c++ language,but it is simpler to use than c++and enforce on object oriented programming model.

Java is the popular progamming language and a platform independent language.Platform any hardware or software environment in which a program runs known as platform. Since Java has its own runtime environment(JRE)and API, it is called platform.

Java is general purpose object oriented programming language developed by Jams Gosling,Patrik Naughton at Sun microsystem Inc of USA in 1991.

James Gosling was not happy with C language so that he created a new language that he called Oak after the Oak tree that he could see from his office window.

As the popularity of www grew Sun recognize that Gosling's lamguage could be develop to run application on a web pages.

The language was renamed "java" simply beacuse the name sounded cool and was made freely available by Sun in 1995.

Why java is popular ?

One of the biggst reason why java is so popular is the platform independence.

Program can run on several different types of computer,as long as computers has a java Runtime Environment(JRE) installed, a java program can run on it.

What is platform independence ?

Platform independence in software means that you can run the same code with little or no modification on multiple platforms.

Defination of java by Sun microsystem-

Java is a simple,object-oriented,distributed,interpreted,robust,secure,architecture,neutral,portable,,high-performance,multi-threaded and dyanamic language.